
Friday 2 December 2016


When asking awkward questions.
Enigmas were all I found.  
As a ghost of the future.
Sought my destiny to capture.
To keep firmly tied and bound.          

Confined by that restriction.
All attempts at freedom still.
Was tricked by the delusion.
Giving me the illusion.
Any body has free will.

From this chain there's no escape.
What prospects that can negate.
That which time cannot protect.
When all of the links connect.
And tighten against my fate.

Some have suggested karma.
For this groan of nature’s cry.
The cosmos kept in balance.
By seizing my quintessence.
But never shows me why.

Priests spoke of god's plans for me.
But then which god of which creed?  
So faith is no solution.
Just adds to my confusion.
It's in reason I will heed.

The unknown always guideless.
This fact I have accepted.
Lightening that dark shadow.
And changing my tomorrow.
From all I had expected.

Cognition has been altered.
By a misfortune's aside.
I've taken myself apart.
Which gave me a whole new start.
Revealing the truth inside.

Angered by disappointment.
Which was colouring my view.
Until I opened my mind.
And being no longer blind.
Able to see things anew.

When asking awkward questions.
What was missing has been found.
And that ghost of the future.
I have sought and did capture.
To keep firmly tied and bound.  

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