
Thursday 1 December 2016

Dear Mr. Karma

Dear Mr. Karma,

In your previous letter, you stated that nothing occurs by chance, and everything that has happened to me is deserved, and the reason for my present health problems was to compensate the universe for wrongs I committed previously. You went on to state that these wrongs could have been done earlier in this lifetime, or even in previous lifetimes, but flatly refused to say exactly when, or what I actually did to warrant such harsh recompense.

I have done some selfish things in my life, but I believe no more than other people, and I've always tried never to act out of malice, or to deliberately hurt anyone. So I'm at a loss, in this life at least, to explain what I've done that's so terrible to merit the punishment that you say I deserve. As for previous lifetimes, I doubt that I've had any, and if I have don't remember them.

So I have to ask Mr. Karma, what sort of justice system is it you are running, when the accused is not told what they're accused of, and punishment handed out, leaving the perpetrator, (me) to guess what crime he's committed? How can anyone learn any lessons, or be deterred from future wrongdoing, in such a system?

With the greatest respect to you and your followers, anything that encourages people to be better human beings is to be welcomed, but it's the twenty first century, don't you think it's time to abandon this superstitious mystical nonsense, and accept that some things just happen for absolutely no reason with no one to blame, especially not those it affects.

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